Global Lambda Integrated Facility

Subject Urgency for inter-domain SDN
From "Bill St. Arnaud" <>
Date Thu, 17 Jan 2013 16:45:36 -0500


I have just learned that Ciena has put together a team to develop
inter-domain SDN. I know that Google's SDN  expert is also working on this
as well. Iwould not be surprised if Infinera and Brocade are also working
this.  I agree with you it is critical that we clearly define R&E
multi-doamin SDN requirements asap, others it will be defined by vendors.

In addition to GLIF work I wonder if it would be useful to bring this to
IETF as well


R&E Network and Green Internet Consultant. 

email:     Bill.St.Arnaud@xxxxxxxxx
twitter:  BillStArnaud
skype:    Pocketpro

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Boyd [mailto:eboyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 4:26 PM
> To: GLIF-tech
> Subject: [GLIF tech] Interdomain SDN TF
> Mailing list has been created: <inter-sdn at>
> People can subscribe at
> Please subscribe if you intend to be an active participant in this task
> force.
> General results will be shared with tech@xxxxxxxx
> Steve and I will call a meeting on this new list to be held in the next
> 2 weeks.
> Thanks,
> --Eric