Global Lambda Integrated Facility

Subject RE: DRAFT Charter: GLIF OpenFlow Interdomain Task Force - quick comment
From "Bill St. Arnaud" <>
Date Thu, 17 Jan 2013 14:49:01 -0500


Good charter.  The only comment I would make is that you expand the scope of
the task force to include multi-domain as well as inter-domain. In our Green
paper we  take care to define multi-domain differently than inter-domain.
Inter-domain is interpreted at the relationships between domains such as at
a peering point or GOLE, while multi-domain involves services that span two
or more independent domains or GOLEs.


R&E Network and Green Internet Consultant. 

email:     Bill.St.Arnaud@xxxxxxxxx
twitter:  BillStArnaud
skype:    Pocketpro

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Boyd [mailto:eboyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 1:33 PM
> To: GLIF-tech
> Subject: [GLIF tech] DRAFT Charter: GLIF OpenFlow Interdomain Task
> Force
> Greetings,
> Please find attached the draft charter for the GLIF OpenFlow
> Interdomain Task Force for discussion this morning.
> --Eric
> --
> Eric Boyd
> Internet2
> eboyd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> cell: +1-734-272-1284
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