Global Lambda Integrated Facility

Subject GLIF Architecture Task Force - Proposed Charter
From Erik-Jan Bos <bos@xxxxxxxxx>
Date Sat, 29 Sep 2012 14:10:59 +0200

Dear GLIF Tech WG members:

At our last meeting in Baton Rouge, we discussed GLIF Architecture and
we agreed to prepare a few document for Chicago.

For our Chicago discussions on architecture itself, Bill already sent
our input. The proposed charter for the Architecture TF is attached to
this mail.

We (i.e. Inder, Bill and I) are looking forward to discussing this topic
in Chicago, in around 10 days from now.

Kind regards,


Erik-Jan Bos, NORDUnet.

Attachment: Charter GLIF Architecture Task Force v0.8.doc
Description: MS-Word document