Global Lambda Integrated Facility

Subject Draft minutes of 4th Tech WG meeting
From Kevin Meynell <kevin@xxxxxxxxx>
Date Tue, 29 Nov 2005 22:24:17 +0000


Minutes of the 4th meeting of the GLIF Technical Working Group held on
the 30th of September 2005 at Calit2, San Diego, United States.

Kevin Meynell - Issue 1


Name                        Organisation            Country
----                        ------------            -------
Tomonori Aoyama             U. Tokyo                Japan
Bill St. Arnaud             CANARIE                 Canada
Erik-Jan Bos (Co-Chair)     SURFnet                 The Netherlands
Greg Cole                   GLORIAD                 United States
John Connolly               U. Kentucky             United States
Steve Corbato               Internet2               United States
Steve Cotter                Internet2               United States
Sergi Figuerola             i2CAT                   Spain
David Foster                CERN                    -
Pat Gary                    NASA/GSFC               United States
Vikram Gazula               U. Kentucky             United States
John Graham                 UKLight                 United Kingdom
Eduard Grasa                i2CAT                   Spain
Leon Gommans                U. van Amsterdam        The Netherlands
Jan Gruntorad               CESNET                  Czech Republic
Jeroen van der Ham          U. van Amsterdam        The Netherlands
René Hatem (Co-Chair)       CANARIE                 Canada
Akira Hirano                UIC/EVL                 United States
Hideaki Imaizumi            U. Tokyo                Japan
Masahiko Jinno              NTT                     Japan
Akira Kato                  WIDE Project            Japan
Scott Macdonald             e-side                  Japan
Joe Mambretti               iCAIR/Northwestern U    United States
Steve Meacham               NSF                     United States
Kevin Meynell (Sec)         TERENA                  -
Dan Nae                     Caltech                 United States
Naohide Nagatsu             NTT                     Japan
Bram Peeters                SURFnet                 The Netherlands
Ana Preston                 Internet2               United States
Jan Radil                   CESNET                  Czech Republic
Predrag Radulovic           U. Tennessee            United States
Ann Richeson                Qwest                   United States
Paul Roberts                U. Houston TLCZ         United States
Fay Sheu                    NCHC                    Taiwan
Matt Schmitz                Cisco                   United States
Hideaki Tanaka              KDDI R&D Labs           Japan
Steven Thorpe               MCNC                    United States
Christian Todorov           Internet2               United States
Vasily Velikhov             RRC                     Russia
Alan Verlo                  StarLight/TransLight    United States
Steven Wallace              Indiana University      United States
Tom West                    National LambdaRail     United States
Kennard White               Glimmerglass            United States
Garrut Yoshimi              U. Hawaii               United States
Oliver Yu                   UIC/EVL                 United States

[This meeting followed-on from the joint session of the Technical and
Control Plane Working Groups earlier in the day.]


    20050213-1  Kevin Meynell to change name of mailing list to
                - Done.

    20050213-2  Erik-Jan Bos, René Hatem, Cees de Laat, Jerry
                Sobieski & Linda Winkler to write their sections for the
                GLIF BCP by 15 March 2005.
                - Ongoing.

    20050213-3  Kevin Meynell to chase-up contributions and put
                together draft document.
                - Done, but insufficient contributions.

    20050213-4  Jerry Sobieski to present final document at iGRID
                - Superseded.

    20050213-5  René Hatem to prepare some draft definitions for
                - Done.

    20050213-6  Erik-Jan Bos to work on standardising service
                - Done.

    20050213-7  Linda Winkler and Jerry Sobieski to put
                procedural information for SC'05 on the web before June
                - Done.

    20050213-8  Erik-Jan Bos to investigate the suitability of
                the semantic web for cataloguing GLIF resources by 15
                April 2005.
                - Done.

    20050213-9  René Hatem to clarify GLIF resources by 15 April
                - Done.

    20050213-10 Linda Winkler to send iGRID 2005 timelines and
                milestones to Kevin Meynell by 6 March 2005.
                - Done.

    20050213-11 Kevin Meynell to put iGRID 2005 timelines and
                milestones on the GLIF website.
                - Done.

    20050213-12 Kevin Meynell to establish links to iGRID 2005
                and SC'05 from the GLIF website.
                - Done.

    20050213-13 Cees de Laat to start discussion on definition
                of open and neutral optical exchanges on the mailing
                - Ongoing.


    Erik-Jan said the communication between the optical exchange
    operators (collectively known as GOLE) needed to be improved, and he
    suggested to start holding regular teleconferences. These could be
    organised by the GLIF Secretariat on (say) a monthly basis, although
    a few logistical issues needed to be resolved.

    There was general support for monthly teleconferences, although it
    was felt that a chair should be appointed to put together an agenda
    for each meeting. Christian commented that it was not reasonable to
    burden one person with this task indefinitely, and thought the chair
    should rotate on a quarterly basis, with each volunteer being
    responsible for three meetings. He offered to take the first stint
    as chair, which was accepted by everyone present.

    The logistical issues were discussed, and it was agreed that each
    meeting should generally not exceed one hour. Another problem was
    finding convenient meeting times as participants were spread over
    several time zones. It was agreed the times should be determined by
    the chair, with the aim of minimising awkward dial-in times for as
    many participants as possible. Erik-Jan mentioned that he had a
    scheme for intercontinental meetings that he would send to the
    mailing list.

    ACTION 20050930-1: Erik-Jan Bos to send scheme for intercontinental
    meetings to the mailing list.

    It was agreed that the first teleconference should focus on
    preparations for SC'05, so it needed to be arranged before then. The
    GLIF Secretariat was asked to find a suitable date and set this up.
    The participants would be HKLight, KR-Light, MANLAN, NetherLight,
    NorthernLight, Pacific Northwest GigaPoP, StarLight, and T-LEX.

    ACTION 20050930-2: Kevin Meynell to suggest suitable date for first
    GOLE teleconference, and set-up this up before 24 October 2005.

    The GLIF Secretariat was also asked to set-up a mailing list for the
    optical exchange operators.

    ACTION 20050930-3: Kevin Meynell to set-up GOLE mailing list.


    René said that it was becoming increasing important to implement an
    end-to-end fault management system for GLIF. Although the majority
    of the constituent networks were not production oriented, there
    needed to be a centralised mechanism to report and track faults. For
    that, a standard way of reporting faults needed to be agreed, and a
    ticketing system implemented.

    John agreed that a ticketing system should be developed, but he
    thought existing practices should first be documented as part of the
    BCP document. René therefore said he would circulate the CA*net4
    Fault Management Guide as a starting point.

    ACTION 20050930-4: René Hatem to circulate CA*net4 Fault Management
    Guide on the mailing list.


    Erik-Jan said this agenda item was related to the GLIF repository
    discussed during the joint session of the Technical and Control
    Plane Working Groups, although that was a longer-term activity. In
    the meantime, it was important to collect as much contact, resource
    and policy information from the GLIF operators as possible. This
    would be made available on the GLIF website to help facilitate

    ACTION 20050930-5: Erik-Jan Bos to develop GLIF resource template.

    ACTION 20050930-6: GLIF operators to send contact, resource and
    policy information to the mailing list.


    John Graham gave a presentation on the use of Ethernet in the wide-
    area (see
    sonet.pdf). This considered Ethernet over MPLS tunnels and L2TPv3,
    as well as over circuit-switched WANs (via ATM, POS and LAPS). In
    particular, the new ANSI and ITU-T standards for GFP (Generic
    Framing Procedure) with VCAT (Virtual Concatenation) and LCAS (Link
    Capacity Adjustment) were examined.

    GFP defines mapping for many types of service onto SONET/SDH or OTN,
    including Ethernet, IP, Gigabit Ethernet, Fibre Channel and DVB
    (Digital Video Broadcasting). It offers excellent bandwidth
    utilisation, and efficency tailored to suit different client types.
    It has simple delineation and robust error control, and as well as
    being extensible.

    The rationale behind GFP was that the cell overhead in traditional
    ATM networks takes 10% of the bandwidth, and its adaptation
    functions are overly complex. Similarly, Packet-over-SONET (POS)
    requires all frames to be converted to PPP over HDLC, byte stuffing
    causes non-deterministic bandwidth inflation, and QoS is hard to
    monitor or guarantee. By constrast, GFP overs minimal overhead, it
    can transport client PDUs (Protocol Data Units) in native format,
    frames from multiple protocols can be easily aggregated into shared
    bandwidth channels, and the low-latency capabilities are useful for
    DVB and SAN (Storage Area Networking).

    There are two modes of GFP: GFP-F which maps each client frame onto
    a single GFP frame, and GFP-T which allows mapping of multiple
    client frames onto 64B/65B code blocks for transport within a single
    GFP frame. GFP-F offers higher bandwidth efficiency, but the
    downside is higher latency, the need for more buffering, and the
    need to calculate core header fields. By contrast, GFP-T supports
    many protocols and offers low latency, but it is less bandwidth
    efficient and requires more processing logic.

    IEEE 802.3ae is the specification for 10 Gbps Ethernet over optical
    fibre (i.e. there is no copper interface). This offers a 802.3 MAC
    and frame format, although jumbo frames are not included in the
    standard. It is full duplex only, does not support shared media, and
    there is no CSMA/CD).

    It is planned to implement these technologies on the UKLight's Ciena
    CoreDirector and MetroDirector switches. This should simplify the
    connections with other optical networks, and in particular remove
    the need for a Cisco ONS 15454 between UKLight and the Nortel HDXc
    at NetherLight.

    Erik-Jan asked John whether his presentation could be turned into a
    wider tutorial on Ethernet in the wide-area as people had found it
    very informative. John replied that he would be willing to update it
    and make it available on the web.


    Erik-Jan reported that progress on the GLIF BCP document had been
    disappointing. A table of contents had been agreed at the previous
    meeting, but contributions had only been received from John Graham
    and René Hatem.

    It was agreed that in order to progress this, perhaps just two or
    three people with sufficient time should volunteer to write some
    text. In anticipation of this, the table of contents should once
    again be circulated to ensure that it was still relevant.

    ACTION 20050930-7: Kevin Meynell to re-circulate BCP table-of-


    It had earlier been agreed that the next meetings of both the
    Technical and Control Plane Working Groups would be held in
    early-2006, in conjunction with an existing event.

    [It was subsequently decided that the interim working group meetings
    would be co-located with the Internet2 Joint Techs Workshop in
    Albuquerque, USA; probably on 8-9 February 2006.]


    20050930-1  Erik-Jan Bos to send scheme for intercontinental
                meetings to the mailing list.

    20050930-2  Kevin Meynell to suggest suitable date for first
                GOLE teleconference, and set-up this up before 24
                October 2005.

    20050930-3  Kevin Meynell to set-up GOLE mailing list.

    20050930-4  René Hatem to circulate CA*net4 Fault Management Guide
                on the mailing list.

    20050930-5  Erik-Jan Bos to develop GLIF resource template.

    20050930-6  GLIF operators to send contact, resource and policy
                information to the mailing list.

    20050930-7  Kevin Meynell to re-circulate BCP table-of-