Global Lambda Integrated Facility

Subject draft LightPath Fault Management document
From René Hatem <rene.hatem@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date Fri, 21 Oct 2005 01:44:33 -0400

Dear GLIF Tech participants,

Attached is a draft LightPath Fault Management document written for use within the CA*net 4 infrastructure domain.

As discussed together at our San Diego meeting, harmonization of a LightPath Fault Management approach could constitue a great step forward to adding meaning to the "I" in "GLIF" and likely help us to collectively better serve our End-Users.

With the view of using the CA*net 4 document as a starting point for a GLIF Fault Management Guideline or BCP document, your comments, suggestions, agreement, disagreement, are sollicited.


Attachment: C4LP_Trouble&Escalation_v0.1_20sep2005.doc
Description: MS-Word document